Category: Operations


WinPet MedVest (Pets' Medical Vest) proves highly effective for cats and dogs recovering from injuries sustained during ...
Purpose of the Procedure:Ovariectomy involves the removal of only the ovaries, primarily to prevent mating in older cats...
Purpose of the Procedure: Enterotomy is a surgical procedure that involves opening the intestines to remove blockages a...
Causes of Breast Tumors in Cats and DogsGender: Female pets are much more prone to breast tumors than males.Hereditary: ...
Mammary tumors in female cats and dogs often begin to develop under the influence of adolescence and mating, triggered b...
The Purpose of the Operation: Cesarean operation is the procedure of removal of the fetus or fetuses that cannot be deli...
Purpose of the Operation: The operation of removing only the ovaries in order to prevent the desire to mate in older cat...
The Purpose of the Operation Limb amputations are performed when the front or hind legs are damaged due to various reaso...