Eczema In Cats and Dogs
Eczema in cats and dogs is one of the most common diseases seen in cats and dogs regarding skin.In cats and dogs, the inflammation case occurring as a result of the increase of sensitivity and pruritus of the skin layers (Str papillae a
nd Epidermis) is called as eczema.Among the Dog Breeds; it is frequently seen in long-haired breeds such as German Shepherd (German Shepherd), Golden Retriever, Pekinese and Chow-Chow. Also, white-haired dogs such as Dogo Argentino are very prone to eczema.
Among the Cat Breeds; the risk of eczema is quite high in the long-haired races such as Persian, Norwegian Forest Cat etc.
Eczema seen in cats and dogs is not a zoonotic disease. It is not transmitted to humans and other organisms.
Causes Eczema In Cats and Dogs:
External Factors:
•Mechanical Factors: Sweat, dirt, dust, mud etc. accumulating in the skin as well as leather leashes.
• Chemical Factors: Irritating chemical drugs, cleaning agents etc.
• Thermic factors: Staying under the sun for a long time, contact with hot water, hot poultice applications, radiation etc.
• Parasitary Factors: Scabies, lice, fleas, ticks, various blood-sucking and stinging flies etc. on the skin can cause eczema.
Internal Factors:
• Toxic metabolism residues and autointoxication products may cause susceptibility on the skin as they are partially excreted through the skin.
• Unilateral, especially dense protein-based diet (red meat, chicken meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, etc.) are among the causes of eczema.
• In addition, factors such as chronic intestinal disorders, constipations, internal parasites, kidney diseases, liver diseases, some vitamin and mineral deficiencies, testosterone in male animals and estrogen deficiency in female animals also cause eczema.
Clinical Symptoms:
- First of all, there are regional rednesses on the skin.
- Then, fluid-filled sacs are formed together with intracellular and intercellular edema.
- From the edema, leaks form on the skin surface and wetness is seen on the skin.
- Additionally, a regional temperature increase occurs.
- Regional keratinization and thickening are seen on the skin.
- The hairs on the area with the lesion are lost.
- Scab occurs in this area.
- Local pellicles are observed on the skin.
- And the area with the lesion becomes severely itchy. The patient hysterically wants to scratch this area.
- Frequently, the pet bites this area and enlarges the wound.
- Infection can be seen in this area due to excessive scratching. If this condition is not treated, it can lead to severe dermatitis and open-infected wounds.
- If measures are not taken in long-haired cats, eczema can develop on the whole body.
Diagnosis of eczema can be established by using many methods. Biochemical tests come to the forefront among them. Together with clinical examination, the tests will facilitate diagnosis.
If any of the above mentioned symptoms is encountered, the veterinarian physician should be consulted without delay. Firstly, the cause of the disease will be investigated, the actual cause is determined and accordingly a treatment protocol will be applied. Besides parenteral and oral medications, local pomade and lotion practices will also contribute to treatment. However, severe itching in the areas with lesion will increase the patient’s desire for constant licking and scratching. Locally administered pomades and solutions will be licked by the patient even they are not absorbed yet. This is usually the most important reason for the prolongation of the treatment period.
WinPet Medvest should absolutely put on patient during the course of treatment in order to prevent the patient from scratching the areas with lesion and to avoid licking the pomade-lotions applied. WinPet MedVest will greatly accelerate the recovery period.
In addition, changing the food and dietary habits according to the discretion of the veterinary physician make important contribution to the treatment.
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