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Actually everything started in July of 2007 when a female Kangal dog with invasive mammary tumor was taken to our clinic.

After a three-hour difficult surgery, we resected all the mammary glands. With about 40 sutures we closed the abdomen, including the muscles. We removed the tumoral masses, the largest of which was about 3 kg., after a rather successful surgery. Due to the physical condition of our clinic, we could not keep the patient. We put an Elizabethan collar on her, one of the known conventional methods in preventing the patient to access the wound after the surgery, and we told them to keep the tie short for her head and then we sent them home, the construction site. However, we found out sadly the next morning that the patient took off the collar by breaking it into pieces and accessed the wound. She scratched with the wound all night long, took off all the sutures, her organs came out and they were covered with dirt and dust and she was in a life-threatening situation. We went to her immediately and had to repeat the same difficult operation, this time on a trailer at the construction site environment. After the surgery, we saw once again that the familiar methods (Elizabethan collar etc. for the patient to prevent from reaching the wound were not sufficient. However, we had to prevent the patient from reaching the wound in some way. With a sudden decision we found a practical solution there and we made a corset of a 10-liter plastic water bottle and tied it around her body. We opened a space for dressing the wound and fixed it by using packaging tape. We also opened ventilation holes on the plastic corset for the ventilation of the wound. We saw that in the corset of the plastic bottle the patient that had a risk of death but could not access the wound recovered in a very short time, in fact, in just one week. At the end of this period, we took off the plastic corset. In the postoperative period, we observed that the patient maintained her life on her own with the plastic corset for a week and did not need a caretaker. If that corset we made of the plastic water bottle due to despair was not present, we would have lost our patient after a successful surgery. 

After this experience, we continued to use the corsets of plastic water bottles that were more practical and much more successful in our clinic for cases such as neutering, hernia, caesarean operations, injuries and traffic accidents, instead of usually useless and painful methods that are a torture both for the patient and her owner in the postoperative recovery period and we had very successful results. 

In November of 2013, we decided to search whether or not the idea of “Plastic Corset” we were using had another example. We made an agreement with a “Patent Law Company”. Through our patent lawyer, we applied to the “Turkish Patent Institute”. We found out that there were no other examples of such an idea and the post-operative treatment method we had developed in the world. With the guidance of our patent lawyer we made our first application as Utility Model and we had the idea of the “Plastic Corset” under protection as Utility Model.

In the light of all these developments, in April of 2014 we decided to give a name to the Plastic Corset. We applied for the registry of the name of “WinPet”. During those dates, during the name registration period we joined a contest of “Entrepreneurship” on a TV channel with WinPet that we designed from advertisement canvas. We believed that the contest would contribute to promotion of WinPet and its Research and Development. As a matter of fact, with the guidance of businessmen with wide vision we met during the contest we got to know types of technical cloth. In August of 2014, we took part in the semi-final of the contest by producing WinPet from “Nonwoven” cloth. Meanwhile, we designed other pieces of the collection as well as the body apparatus under the name of WinPet (foreleg, hind leg, head, etc.) In October of 2014 we received “Industrial Design Registry” for all pieces of WinPet collection. On the same date, WinPet  that we had developed further with ceramic coated fabric was granted the “Jury’s Special Award” at the finals of the contest. 

During this process, we both gained experience and also our horizons widened for development of WinPet. In February of 2015 we cooperated with Marmara University Textile Design Department and developed the cloth technology and the design of the product.  At the same time, with the support of the lecturers of Istanbul University Veterinary Faculty we performed trials for “Use and Method” of WinPet samples. 

In May of 2015, within the scope of the R&D Innovation Project we applied to KOSGEB. During those dates within the scope of the KOSGEB project we established our company WINPET MEDIKAL. During the project we provided the development of fabric specifications of WinPet under the guidance and consultancy of Nigde University Textile Department..

The basic standards of WINPET, a nano-technology product made of technical cloth, were completed in terms of Cloth Technology and Product Design and its first trial production was performed in February of 2016. At the end of trial production, WINPET was produced as a commercial product and had developed considerably during the R&D process. With the guidance of our Patent Lawyer we applied for a “Patent” for WinPet. We have renewed the registry processes for each WinPet prototype we have developed. 

Today we have become a company having Trademark and Industrial Design Registry and making International Patent applications to with reference to PCT (International Patent Cooperation Treaty).